SBMC Jacksonville Presidents Message

Issue 8, February 21st


Last week we were VERY busy. For a few of us Monday was a work holiday, followed by our trip to visit our legislature in Tallahassee, then a great meeting with guests Michael Boylan and Melissa Ross who gave us more insight into the inner workings of WJCT as well [READ MORE]

Issue 8, February 21st2016-02-21T04:59:16-05:00

Issue 7, February 14th


When you were young do you recall ever getting into a fight in the school yard?  Spend a little time in detention and maybe learn your lesson?  Or maybe you know someone who had a situation like this, did you or they ever serve in the military?  It might surprise [READ MORE]

Issue 7, February 14th2016-02-14T07:38:01-05:00

Issue 6, February 7th


With all the challenges we face currently, be it locally, that of our country, or a global issue, it’s nice to hear the perspective of an optimist with solid ideas and hard data to back them up.  Last week we learned Steve Halverson fits that description and his presentation illustrated [READ MORE]

Issue 6, February 7th2016-02-07T04:13:40-05:00

Issue 5, January 31st


During the first meeting of the year, I referenced feedback I had received from members over the past year or so and some new initiatives as a result.  The first being a commitment to providing noteworthy speakers in name, or in title on a regular basis.  The second initiative was [READ MORE]

Issue 5, January 31st2016-01-31T01:08:11-05:00

Issue 4, January 24th


What is going on with this weather?  One night I’m sleeping in a sweatshirt; the next day I’m wearing flip flops!  I must however acknowledge for the second time this year Frank Wallmeyer’s bug scraper/shoe scraper/ice scraper (one of the dozen I’ve acquired over the past 8 years) having been [READ MORE]

Issue 4, January 24th2016-01-24T04:28:35-05:00

Issue 3, January 17th


One of the goals of Southside Business Men’s Club is to promote the image and quality of business. In years when a member is seen as deserving, we do so by recognizing and rewarding excellence in business. With this in mind, in 1986 the Club established an annual award for [READ MORE]

Issue 3, January 17th2016-01-17T07:53:46-05:00

Issue 2, January 10, 2016


This year is off to a fantastic start and it's only going to get better!  As I said at the meeting last week, since 2008 I've been privileged to have served on, chaired, or overseen as an officer virtually every committee or event.  Through these experiences I've made many friends, [READ MORE]

Issue 2, January 10, 20162016-01-08T14:38:22-05:00

Issue 1, January 3, 2016


This Wednesday will mark our first meeting of 2016.  It is when I step down as President and Patrick Heatherington, takes over.  Some of our Board members drop off, and others assume open positions. This will be the time to recognize all of our members who chaired and co-chaired last [READ MORE]

Issue 1, January 3, 20162016-01-04T15:02:26-05:00

Issue 52, December 27, 2015


As I'm sure any Past President (and many of you) will attest, running the Southside Business Men's Club is no easy task.  It requires a lot of management skills, funding, and volunteer hours on the part of many.  A President will spend 20-25 hours a week working on SBMC affairs; [READ MORE]

Issue 52, December 27, 20152015-12-21T15:20:48-05:00

Issue 50, December 13, 2015


Yuletide on the Southside! Last night's holiday gala was another outstanding SBMC event. This was our last major event of the year, and an opportunity for all of us to reflect on parts we played over the last 50 weeks. If you weren't there (and shame on you for missing [READ MORE]

Issue 50, December 13, 20152015-12-13T14:44:19-05:00
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